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Flexible Ethereum Investment

Gibra lets you stake ETH to get monthly paybacks.
Stake any amount and grow your balance with DeFi.

Total ETH Staked


Gibra APR


Gibra Options®

Earn passive income with ETH-based-contracts. Regular payouts by monthly and yearly



Calculate your ROI with ETH & $ price.

Gibra Max®

Maximize the effectiveness of your digital assets and hold your positions safely with reduced risk.

Long Position

Highest ETH multiple option

up to 2.57X

With 10 ETH Get up to 25.7 ETH exposure

Short Position

Highest ETH multiple option

up to 2.57X

With 10 ETH Get up to 25.7 ETH exposure

Gibra CollaB® teralized Borrowing

Access USD liquidity by leveraging your digital assets, empowering you to diversify and seize new investment ventures.

low fee 

Colleteral Ratio

Borrow USD against your ETH

Why Gibra?

Gibra makes Ethereum investment simple and accessible to anyone

How Gibra works


Buy ETH or Invest via Gibra

Choose your Plan

Choose your investment plan


Earn & Get Report Monthly

Isn't what you're looking for here? Is this too complicated?

You can contact us, we are open to any questions and problems.

Let us show you the private financial management experience

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